Modular Rocket Kit
Interchangeable, educational, and robust model rockets. Purpose built for a PVC air cannon.
RC Car Scratch Design and Build
A 3-D printable, easily assembled, and functional remote control vehicle. The design is constructed around components that are both readily available and cost effective.

Anatomical Duck Boat
Finally, a remote controlled duck that actually swims like a duck.

Adjustable Laser Stand
A self contained and fully adjustable 3-D printed laser stand.

NFT Distribution Visualizer
Another web based implementation of an original python script. This time, to help NFT projects visualize their trait distributions.

Web Based Image Formatter
A free & user friendly web based implementation of the Python Image Formatter Project.

A super simple python script to automatically format your images for social media!

Customized Budget Tracker V2
A simple, easy to use budget tracker with improved data analysis!

Customized Budget Tracker
An easy to use, fully customizable budget tracker. Run off of google drive services and completely free for anyone to use.

Arduino Laser Timing System
Compatible with any strong light source, this compact system functions as a portable light gate timing system.

Automated Mouse Python Script
Ever wanted to prevent your computer from sleeping? This super simple python script can do just that! 9 lines of python code to keep your computer awake while minimizing battery use.

Auto-repeating Message Typer
Need to annoy your best friend with 100 text messages? Here's an automated message typer to do just that!
Custom Bed Frame
A simple wooden bed frame designed to fit a queen sized mattress.