In building a laser timing system, I struggled to find a low profile, portable, and easy to adjust laser holder. I could have bought a tripod & mount, but those are bulky & expensive. Instead, I spent some time designing, modeling, printing, and assembling my own solution!
This simple design is self contained, easy to use, robust, and very consistent.

The two semicircle brackets conform to the laser unit, which then is pressure fit into the main stand. The batteries rest in the main stand base, and that's it!
Since the laser is contained within a ball joint, it can be easily adjusted by hand, yet it remains in place as soon as you let go!
The completed assembly requires no fasteners, tools, or moving parts. The laser turns on as soon as the batteries fall into place, and stays on until they run out of power.
Overall, this design proved successful in that it was easy to use, robust, and kept the laser locked in the same position with ease.